

Meeting date:
Wednesday, 20 March 2013



Meeting time:





Votes and Proceedings




1.   Welsh Conservatives Debate



NDM5194 William Graham (South Wales East)


The National Assembly for Wales:


Notes the abject and persistent failure of the Welsh Government to deliver improvements to the lives of the people of Wales, notably its:


a) incompetence in developing the Welsh economy;


b) failure to close key educational attainment gaps;


c) poor performance in hitting NHS waiting and response time targets; and


d) ineffectiveness in tackling the root causes of poverty.


The following amendment has been tabled:


Amendment 1 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Delete all after ‘people of Wales,’ and replace with ‘and calls on it to redress its:


a) incompetence in developing the Welsh economy by developing a full range of services for businesses to access credit, business advice and marketing support, delivered at a single point-of-call;


b) failure to close key educational attainment gaps by increasing the value of the pupil premium and ensuring it is spent effectively on reducing the gap between poverty and attainment;


c) poor performance in hitting NHS waiting and response time targets by ensuring effective spending in frontline NHS services; and


d) ineffectiveness in tackling the root causes of poverty by addressing the impact of the whole range of poor public services on entrenching poverty and inequality and regularly reporting to the National Assembly on its progress.’




2.   Welsh Conservatives Debate



NDM5195 William Graham (South Wales East)


The National Assembly for Wales:


Calls on the Welsh Government to give greater priority to a Welsh localism agenda; ensuring communities in Wales benefit from increased local determination and empowerment.


The following amendment has been tabled:


Amendment 1 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Add as new point at end of motion:


Believes that increased local determination and empowerment will be significantly improved by:


a) the introduction of the Single Transferable Vote for elections to local councils;


b) allowing 16 and 17 year olds to vote in elections to local councils; and


c) the devolution of policing to the National Assembly for Wales to ensure that policing can respond to local communities’ needs.




Voting Time


The item started at 14.26</AI3>




The meeting concluded at 14:27


The Assembly will sit again in Plenary at 13:30, Tuesday, 16 April 2013